Polk TPO Complete Streets Program

Kimley-Horn assisted the Polk Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) compile a Complete Streets Policy to incorporate existing policies related to congestion management projects, the review of resurfacing projects, and the policies in the Polk County Comprehensive Plan.
The Polk County Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is focused on providing streets that are safer and more user friendly for Polk County residents and visitors alike.
Kimley-Horn developed a Complete Streets Manual based on a survey of the broad spectrum of strategies, elements, and treatments that have been successfully implemented in Polk County, throughout areas within Florida, and across the country. The manual was presented in a detailed graphical and illustrative manner and included a portfolio or menu of treatments, along with an evaluation of the variability and feasibility of using them within Complete Streets Corridors identified by the Polk TPO. Kimley-Horn conducted Complete Streets evaluations for four Complete Streets corridors representative of typical corridors across the County, including those governed by cities, Polk County, and FDOT. Each Complete Streets evaluation was summarized in a four-page graphic document (brochure format) evaluating the characteristics of the corridor and emphasizing its role to provide travel options for various users.
Project Recognition
- 2013 Planning Award; Heart of Florida (HOF)/Florida American Planning Association