Optimize Traffic Signal Timing to Balance Performance for Safety and Efficiency

For transportation management agencies across the country, common priorities are keeping roadways clear of congestion, reducing crashes, and improving the environment. Keeping vehicles moving relies on traffic signal timing that is precise and calculated, yet flexible and adaptable to the current conditions.
Kimley-Horn’s Kadence™ software solution is a vital tool in a traffic engineer’s toolbox. Our easy-to-deploy system with minimal infrastructure and configuration requirements can help you manage fluctuations in demand and short- and long-term changes in traffic patterns all from your central Traffic Management Center (TMC). With zero field components to manage, maintain, or upgrade, this integrated system will help your agency meet its objectives and increase performance.
Common agency objectives that Kadence™ can help you achieve:
- Maximize throughput on a coordinated route
- Provide smooth flow on a coordinated route
- Provide access equity for all phases at an intersection
- Manage the length of queues
- Optimize operation to minimize phase failures
How It Works
Kadence™ uses a combination of offset tuning, split tuning, cycle tuning, and phase sequence selection to provide smooth flow, which increases the throughput on the route by reducing stops.
In the Kadence™ split tuning algorithm, coordinated phase utilization measures can be biased so that more time for that movement is protected, which provides more opportunities for progression along the route. Cycle time can also be increased to provide additional throughput on critical routes and phase sequences can be adjusted from lead-lead to lag-lead for low opposing turning traffic volumes.
A variety of user-configurable parameters can be adjusted by time-of-day to meet different primary objectives such as access equity during off-peak and smooth flow during peak periods.
Reach Your Goals with Kadence™
A Kadence™ license gives your entire transportation agency access to the central software module, as well as Kimley-Horn system designers, developers, and integration specialists to meet your configuration needs. Intuitive and user-friendly dashboards allows you to measure effectiveness and meet your goals, including automated analysis of “before” and “after” conditions.
The Kadence™ system can be implemented in just a few days and provides a continuous path for future innovation. Our maintenance and support agreement includes all new product features for free and unlimited user support. Kadence can run alongside your existing ATMS. While better when paired with KITS™ and Traction™, our support for NTCIP standards allows Kadence™ to operate with any traffic controller and ATMS.
Get Started
Submit the form below to get more information about how Kadence™ can help your agency monitor and optimize your transportation systems for greater efficiency.
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