Sustainable Transportation Solutions



Fast, accurate data for sustainable transportation projects.

CAV Vehicles navigating on a highway

Forward-thinking developers and urban planners are weighing the transportation and environmental impacts of new projects on their communities. One approach: reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), a metric linked to air quality (AQ), Greenhouse Gases (GHG), land use efficiency, safety, and energy consumption.

Whether you are under pressure to meet new regulations, such as California’s SB 743, or rethink quality of life measurements, Kimley-Horn can help. Our transportation professionals have steered dozens of clients, in California and beyond, through their VMT approvals.

These experiences ultimately led to the development of our own sustainable transportation solution, TREDLite VMT.

What Is TREDLite VMT?

TREDLite VMT automates vehicle miles traveled calculations on land use projects. The cloud-based application leverages big data including aggregated and anonymized average trip distances and trip density. It informs municipalities’ planning initiatives and custom, sustainable transportation solutions. TREDLite VMT’s user-friendly interface makes it fast and easy to model scenarios and output projections.


Features Include:

  • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation
  • Transit Priority Area (TPA) Evaluation
  • National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 684 Internal Capture Analysis
  • VMT Threshold Analysis
  • GHG Estimation of Mobile and Non-Mobile Sources
  • Criteria Pollutants Analysis
  • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Evaluation Using the 2022 (CAPCOA) Guidance
  • VMT Fee-Based Mitigation Analysis (VMT Banking)

What Can TREDLite VMT Do For You?

Evaluate project VMT thresholds to regulate environmental impacts of your projects

Predict project GHG emissions to understand direct air quality impact

Test mitigation strategies with scenario planning if calculations exceed your project threshold

Automatically calculate internal trip capture using ITE rates

Reach your goals with TREDLite VMT

Kimley-Horn’s sustainable transportation solution was designed with your needs in mind. Whether you need a fast solution to meet regulations or data to inform local planning initiatives, Kimley-Horn can help with TREDLite VMT.

Get Started

Submit the form below to get more information about how TREDLite can help your agency to automate VMT calculations on land use projects.


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