Kimley-Horn Community Involvement

We believe in being active participants in the places where we live and work to help build a brighter future. From the impactful solutions we deliver for clients, to the diverse ways employees embody our core value of Sharing & Caring, to the firm’s commitment to charitable giving through the Kimley-Horn Foundation, we help our communities become better places, together.

Impactful Solutions

Our work changes the world around us. We create places to gather and call home, we provide ways to connect and move, and we improve people’s quality of life.

By partnering with clients, our engineers, planners, and designers cultivate positive community changes in myriad ways such as modernizing downtown streetscapes in small towns, increasing safety management for first responders, and providing sustainable solutions, like water and energy conservation.

Sharing & Caring

In addition to delivering impactful projects for clients, we are improving our communities by volunteering and serving organizations that align with our passions and foster creativity and collaboration. Our employees weave our core value of Sharing & Caring into the everyday Kimley-Horn experience by building bikes for local children, running 5ks to fight terminal illness, and organizing local beach cleanups. Everywhere you turn, our employees are donating time and energy to those around them.

The Kimley-Horn Foundation

Our approach to charitable giving is unique. From local neighborhood gardens to national mentorship programs, we recognize and encourage commitment to service through our Kimley-Horn Foundation, which donates to organizations based on the passions of our people.

Hours funded since 2001


Grants given to employee-supported organizations since 2001


Grants given to employee-supported organizations in 2021


Funding provided since 2001


Kimley-Horn Foundation grants benefit the following purposes:

Programs and special events for the disadvantaged

Special education programs for those with disabilities

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation

Disaster relief

Environmental conservation

Promotion of STEM education in underrepresented communities

Housing, health care, and food for the disadvantaged

Children's services for the disadvantaged

Kimley-Horn Foundation Partners

Cara Chicago

Cara Chicago

Uplifting people and communities to achieve real and lasting success.

“There are a number of things that anybody could volunteer with, and it might take you a few tries to find your niche. I probably volunteered at four or five different organizations before I found something that resonated with me. But, once you find it, you can really feel that you’re giving back to the community.”

- Jake Panter, Chicago

Grow & Share Community Garden

Grow & Share Community Garden

Drawing the local community together through gardening and public service.

“Being around other people who share in similar goals encourages me to fulfill my commitment. I know we are able to magnify our impact together, and I love knowing that I am a part of something bigger than myself. It’s one thing to just give money but a totally different experience to offer those natural resources directly to the community.”

- Megan Dyer, Dallas​

On Bikes


Building healthy, sustainable communities by providing bikes to young children.

“It's such an incredible experience when you get to attend the bike giveaway. There's nothing like seeing a child get excited about receiving a new bike and being able to contribute to that is fantastic.”

- Shelby Hughes, St. Pete