McDowell Creek Watershed Restoration
Kimley-Horn was selected by Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services (MCSWS) to complete the planning, permitting, easement plans, construction drawings, and construction management for the restoration of the McDowell Creek watershed.
The completed project improved stream functions and protected existing infrastructure and property. The design incorporated the use of native plant material and in-stream structures for stability and habitat and the restoration techniques used approaches to improve stream functions that include hydraulics, geomorphology, and ecological habitat. In-stream structures included rock riffles, rock vanes, woody riffles, log vanes, and log sills. The design also incorporated three Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance BMPs at severely degraded stormwater outfalls.
Design considerations included Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department (CMUD) sewer lines (30- to 36-inch RCP) and easements along the banks, a CMUD water treatment plant and outfall, NCDOT bridge crossings, future greenways and bridge crossings, FEMA regulated floodplains, and use for mitigation. The restoration included:
- 13,000 feet of restoration of McDowell Creek from Birkdale Golf Course to below Gilead Road, NC
- 11,000 feet of Torrence Creek Tributary 1 from I-77 to McDowell Creek
- 9,000 feet of Torrence Creek Tributary 2 from I-77 to Torrence Creek
- 9,500 feet of Torrence Creek from McCoy Road to McDowell Creek