I-15 Dynamic Mobility Project

The I-15 Mobility Alliance—a cooperative partnership between DOTs in Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and California—identified a need to improve real-time information exchange between the agencies. As a result, Kimley-Horn is developing a web-based system that can “link up” agencies along the I-15 corridor, facilitating coordination and communication among transportation operations centers that operate and manage I-15 between San Diego and the northern Utah border.
With 1,434 miles of interstate highway and a key corridor for freight, close agency coordination and real-time communication is vital to improve advanced warnings, responses to events, and consistent traveler information along the I-15 corridor. The I-15 Mobility Alliance has secured federal funding through the Multi-State Corridor Operations and Management program to implement a near-term, high-priority need for the corridor.
This new tool will allow agencies along the I-15 corridor to see what is happening across state lines and have access to each other’s road current road conditions status. Kimley-Horn is coordinating with multiple state and local agencies along the corridor to involve key operations and maintenance staff, public information/communications staff, and regional traffic/transportation management representatives. Our team is also conducting workshops with the multi-state partnership to walk through various operational concepts and arrive at a preferred option.
This project consists of three phases:
- Phase 1: The ConOps identified priority needs, constraints, and operating requirements of the multi-state stakeholder group
- Phase 2: Operational and functional requirements for the system were established
- Phase 3: System components to facilitate multi-agency information sharing will be developed, integrated, and installed