Airport Pavement Management
As an airport, pavement condition is vital to your performance―both from a cost effectiveness and aviation safety perspective.
It is imperative to be proactive when considering your airport’s pavement maintenance and rehabilitation, viewing it as a long-term investment, rather than taking a reactive approach which could lead to operational and financial inefficiencies and, often, unplanned repairs. You need to maintain your pavement assets, and we can help.
Preparing You for the Future
Kimley-Horn knows every aspect of the pavement management process, and we can provide an approach that brings both practical design and implementable solutions to address each of your concerns. We understand your budget, schedule challenges, and the operational impacts of adequately maintaining your pavement assets. We will work as your partner to optimize the management of these critical assets. Our team of expert aviation consultants will add value to your pavement management efforts by:
- Utilizing our years of design experience and complete understanding of federal standards and evaluation methods to ensure your project is streamlined to completion
- Providing a systematic method of assessing current pavement conditions, determining maintenance and rehabilitation needs, and prioritizing rehabilitation projects to optimize funding scenarios and limit operational impacts during implementation.
- Developing complete life-cycle pavement management programs that detail a forecasted schedule of maintenance activities and major rehabilitation efforts that can be integrated in a realistic and implementable Capital Improvement Program.
Ultimately, our approach assists airports in optimizing maintenance costs and extends the life of pavement, allows for more accurate budgeting, decreases future construction costs, and provides a set design parameters to increase the consistency of pavement performance. We are dedicated to providing you with the most cost-effective and efficient pavement management service possible to maintain your critical assets, just as we have done at some of the nation’s largest and busiest airports.