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Kimley-Horn Water Expert Discusses Membrane Bioreactors on WEF Podcast

On the Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) Words on Water podcast, Kimley-Horn’s Kyle Kubista, P.E., and Director of Water Utilities for the City of Denton, Stephen Gay, discussed the city’s One Water Master Plan and how they anticipate using membrane technology.

With host Christy Murphy, this episode of the WEF podcast focused on Kimley-Horn’s partnership with the City of Denton to develop its One Water Master Plan. The plan aims to strategically use water resources to accommodate the city’s growth over time—for instance, membrane bioreactors in water reclamation facilities can offer flexibility in determining how to use water after treatment. Membrane bioreactors are also a sustainable option as water quality is much higher when using them than when using conventional wastewater treatments. Integrating membrane bioreactors would allow the city to reuse every drop of water, have better effluent quality, require less space, and alleviate automation, creating a more effective and efficient system for the community.

About the Expert

Kyle Kubista, P.E.

Kyle Kubista, P.E.

Kyle has more than 11 years of experience in water and wastewater treatment design and modeling services. He serves as a project engineer for municipalities across Texas to develop designs which provide operational flexibility and maximize a plant’s capabilities. He has successfully delivered projects through the planning, design, and construction phases with a focus on schedule and budget. Kyle’s designs have included conventional water treatment, membrane technology, alternative disinfection (including chlorine dioxide), conventional activated sludge treatment, nutrient removal processes, membrane bioreactors, solids stabilization, dewatering, and disinfection.


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