NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association
NAIOP is a leading organization of commercial real estate developers, owners, and investors that provides advocacy, education, and business opportunities for its network of members. Kimley-Horn is proud of its long-standing relationship and engagement with NAIOP, which includes involvement at the local and national levels. Kimley-Horn’s staff share NAIOP’s vision and have devoted themselves to national forums participation; national conference speaking and sponsorship; contributions to Development Magazine; and education of other members through the Center of Education.

Kimley-Horn 2021 Presenters



Jose Correa, P.E.


Automation and Digital Transformation in CRE

September 28, 2021 | 3:05 PM–3:50 PM EST

From autonomous vehicles to machine learning, many technological advances of the past decade have the potential to dramatically disrupt commercial real estate. Join us for a wide-ranging conversation to examine the implications of autonomous trucking, delivery drones, cybersecurity, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and more. Leave with new insights into the technologies that will impact your business. 

Beyond the Hype: A Look into the Hot Trend of Mobility Hubs

June 1, 2020 | 3:15 – 4:15 PM

Mobility hubs are major transit stations, often including structured parking, that integrate robust shared and micro-mobility services, mobility educational resources, and residential & employment development. They are places of connectivity where different modes integrate seamlessly and maximize the mobility ROI and parking infrastructure investments. This session will provide a general understanding of the mobility hub concept(s) and a case study of mobility hub development from UC San Diego and San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG).
  • Recognize the general concept of mobility hubs; learn about key planning attributes and a framework for assessing project viability.
  • Compare different potential elements of mobility hub projects as they relate to specific customer groups and different strategies for leveraging technology.
  • Learn from case-study examples of the various options, trade-offs and benefits of considering mobility hubs for your environment.


Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators

Jose Correa, PE
Automation and Digital Transformation in CRE
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Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators

Jeffrey Elsey, PE, CAPP, LEED AP
Managing Demand: Harnessing Competing Priorities Within University and Healthcare Parking and Transportation Operations
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Nick Mazzenga, PE
Managing the Corridor: A New Way to Enhance Mobility and Reduce Congestion with Parking
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Dennis Burns, CAPP and Leslie Tabor
Beyond the Hype: A Look into the Hot Trend of Mobility Hubs
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