American Society of Civil Engineers | Utility Engineering and Survey Institute
The ASCE UESI Pipelines Conference provides a forum for pipeline engineers and practitioners from around the world to share their experiences in meeting the challenges of today’s pipeline infrastructure. This conference provides dynamic and inspiring content related to planning, designing, constructing, renewing, operating, managing and maintaining the lifeline assets.

UESI Pipelines 2024 Conference


Josh Kercho

Josh Kercho, PE


G2 – Hydraulics

#20 Clearing Up the Clear Fork: Implementing a Unique Design Solution to Eliminate Long-Standing Maintenance Challenge

July 29, 2024 | 1:30pm

Construction is planned to be completed in the Spring of 2024 on the City of Fort Worth’s Clear Fork Lift Station and Force Main. This project eliminates regular sanitary sewer overflows in the City’s Clear Fork basin by skimming wastewater from two existing 48-inch interceptors and pumping up to 22 MGD of peak wet-weather flows downstream avoiding existing gravity system choke points. The force main consists of approximately 14,000 linear feet of 36-inch HDPE. The primary focus of this paper will be the unique and challenging system hydraulics inherent in designing a system to pump downhill.


A1 Design

August 14, 2023 | 10:30am – 12:00pm 


Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Facilitators

Josh Kercho, PE
Clearing Up the Clear Fork: Implementing a Unique Design Solution to Eliminate Long-Standing Maintenance Challenge; Planning and Design Technical Program Track Chair
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Kyle Sanderson, PE
Adding Objectivity to Alignment Studies: A Successful Recipe for 2 Case Study Examples
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Alan Garri, PE
Precision Directional Drilling of Gravity Sewer in a Constrained Right-of-Way as a Construction Cost Saving Initiative; Sanitary Sewer
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Deirdre Lynch, PE
Contractors are from Mars, Engineers are from Venus: How to Make Relationships Work; Building a Pipeline, a 1000-Piece Puzzle
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Shelby Warchesik, PE
Adding Objectivity to Alignment Studies: A Successful Recipe for 2 Case Study Examples
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Jenifer Tatum, PE
Adding Objectivity to Alignment Studies: A Successful Recipe for 2 Case Study Examples; Standards
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Ashley Miele, PE
Contractors are from Mars, Engineers are from Venus: How to Make Relationships Work
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Aric Farnsworth, PE, RA
Large Equipment/Operations
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Deanna Martin, PE
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Tyler Kay, PE
Decisions on Materials
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Kimley-Horn Presenters

Aric Farnsworth, PE
A1 Design
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Jenifer Tatum, PE
B1 Alignment Changes
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Ryan Sowa, PE
Acquiring Pipeline Easement in the Land of Opportunity
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Alan Garri, PE
B5 Operational Challenges
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Alan Garri, PE & Ashley Miele, PE
Optimizing Sewage Collection Methodologies to Minimize Cost and Maximize Nutrient Reductions
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Josh Kercho, PE
Planning & Design Technical Program Track Chair (Track B)
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Kimley-Horn Presenters

Josh Kercho, PE
Pipe Ramming New MOP Panel Session
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Jenifer Tatum, PE
Utility Investigations
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Aric Farnsworth, PE, RA
Las Vegas Boulevard Waterline Replacement: Designing Water Infrastructure for Highly Visible, Rapidly Changing Location
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Kimley-Horn Presenters

James Bryan, PE
24-Inch Force Main by HDD for Dallas Water Utilities
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Marty Paris, PE
Sliplining 120-Inch RCP Wastewater in Dallas Part 2
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Josh Kercho, PE
Workshop: Mains, Trains, and Automobiles: Utilizing Fort Worth’s Risk Assessment Data to Drive Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
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